Ryan Elmore at Joe Nall 2024.

I give to the AMA Foundation in memory of my grandfather who was a modeler and a great inspiration.  The model aviation hobby has done so much for me and the AMA Foundation is the best way for me to give back so they can use my donation to help inspire more youth to get involved in the hobby.

Ryan Elmore, AMA Foundation Donor

The [National Model Aviation Museum] does not generate a profit for AMA; it relies in part on donations from members to help develop new exhibits and services for the modeling community.  As such, it is a worthy cause.  I became a Museum Patron, and I encourage you to do the same.

Mark Freeland, Museum Patron
Steve Betts

I think it is important to donate to the foundation because it helps model aviation grow with scholarships, promotes model aviation with public education programs and keeps clubs active with grants and disaster relief.

Steve Betts, Legacy Society member

Foundation Stories