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AMA Foundation Torchbearers are some of our most dedicated donors. Pledging to give monthly, these donors have taken on the honor of carrying the torch for the future of model aviation and for generations to come.

Bren Bailey

Doyle S. Blevins

James Bohannon

Martin Booth

Dan Bott

Chad F. Budreau

Randy Cameron

Bruce Stanley Chmieleski

Ian P. Clark

April Conner

Matthew Cox

Scott Cox

Robert Dane

Tom Denney

Erin Dobbs

John Dowling

Ken Duddridge

Stewart Dunlap

Scott D. Elmore

Michael P. Feitinger

Ben Flesher

Zach Gibson

Frank Goto

Charles R. Graham

Frank Granelli

Richard D. Hanson

Keith E. Hall

Syed A. Hashmi

Steve Haston

Charles Hatchel

George Hesser

Dave Hillis

Gary E. Himes

Randolph Hoover

James R. Houck

Daren T. Hudson

Kyle Jaracz

Keith Johnson


Tim and Linda Jesky

Douglas F. Leroy

James Little

James Luby

Rusty Kennedy

Ilona Maine

Kenneth Marron

Jay Marsh

Antoine Miller

Thomas Mulder

Kenneth W. Narducy

Alan T. Oliver

Karen Pamment

Melvin Pamment

Katherine Pates

Mark A. Potter

Mark A. Radcliff

Lee M. Ray

Janice Reeder

Rea Reeder

Michael W. Reinert

Jesus Rivera

Young Scarborough

Brian Shields

Mills W. Staylor

Virgil W. Sweeden

Phil L. Tallman

David A. Thomas

Bruce Thompson

Christian G. Timmins

Scott Travers

David C. Trogdon

Fredrick Weaver

Ronald Wendel

Gary L. Wolz

Albert Ziegler


You too can become a Torchbearer! Visit, choose your fund, pick "give monthly", and then choose the amount in which you would like to give each month.