fun fly

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Marshalltown R/C Flyers Awarded with Club Recognition and Reward Grant

The Academy of Model Aeronautics recently awarded the Marshalltown R/C Flyers with a $100 Club Recognition and Reward grant. The club was featured in the Times-Republican on August 10th, 2016. The Marshalltown R/C Flyers hosted their 2016 Fun Fly August 13-14. The Fun Fly had free admission and offered all in attendance the opportunity to see some world-class flying. To learn more about the Marshalltown R/C Flyers, visit their website.


The Academy of Model Aeronautics recently awarded the Marshalltown R/C Flyers with a $100 Club Recognition and Reward grant. The club was featured in the Times-Republican on August 10th, 2016. The Marshalltown R/C Flyers hosted their 2016 Fun Fly August 13-14. The Fun Fly had free admission and offered all in attendance the opportunity to see some world-class flying. To learn more about the Marshalltown R/C Flyers, visit their website. The AMA Club Recognition and Reward Program was established to encourage clubs to promote model aviation. The AMA offers clubs cash incentives for positive local media coverage for a public event, public service, club announcement, or other coverage. Click here to learn more about this program.

Boerne Area Model Society Awarded with a Club Recognition and Reward Grant

The Academy of Model Aeronautics has awarded a $75 Club Recognition and Reward Grant to Boerne Area Model Society (BAMS). Club members were featured on the front page (below) of the Hill Country Weekly on April 14, 2016. BAMS hosted their 2016 Spring Fun Fly with forty RC model pilots flying in several scheduled events. Spectators at the event enjoyed highly technical aerobatics and candy drops. The club provided inexperienced flyers the opportunity to use simulators and fly with a club member in a Buddy Box.


The Academy of Model Aeronautics has awarded a $75 Club Recognition and Reward Grant to Boerne Area Model Society (BAMS). Club members were featured on the front page (below) of the Hill Country Weekly on April 14, 2016. BAMS hosted their 2016 Spring Fun Fly with forty RC model pilots flying in several scheduled events. Spectators at the event enjoyed highly technical aerobatics and candy drops. The club provided inexperienced flyers the opportunity to use simulators and fly with a club member in a Buddy Box. BAMS funded the entire event and donated all proceeds to local charity, SAM'S Kids.     The AMA Club Recognition and Reward Program was established to encourage clubs to promote model aviation. The AMA offers clubs cash incentives for positive local media coverage for a public event, public service, club announcement, or other coverage. Click here to learn more about this program.

AMA District VIII held RC Fun Fly, Wings Over Windsong

On Saturday, November 7, AMA District VIII hosted Wings Over Windsong, a fun fly RC event at Windsong Ranch in Prosper, Texas. It was an exciting day of flight attended by close to 800 people.   Along with AMA District VIII VP, Mark Johnston, attendees watched Quique Somenzini, F3A World Champion, fly a selection of airplanes provided by Bill Simpson. Video below shows Somenzini demonstrating his superior skill at the event.


On Saturday, November 7, AMA District VIII hosted Wings Over Windsong, a fun fly RC event at Windsong Ranch in Prosper, Texas. It was an exciting day of flight attended by close to 800 people.   Along with AMA District VIII VP, Mark Johnston, attendees watched Quique Somenzini, F3A World Champion, fly a selection of airplanes provided by Bill Simpson. Video below shows Somenzini demonstrating his superior skill at the event.   Kids and adults witnessed the landing of a full scale Medivac Helicopter from PHI Air Medical (pictured below). The helicopter was on display and attendees had the chance to get a look inside. For added fun, the AMA Mobile RC experience simulator trailer was stationed at the event. WOW1 WOW   The event was held in support of the Wounded Warrior Project, and managed to raise $2,650. Congratulations to event organizers for their hard work: Windsong Ranch development group, AMA District VIII, Rowlett RC ClubNorth Dallas RC Club and Richardson RC Club, Mark Johnston, Ed Kranz, Charles Shaffer, John Williford, Lauren Stephan, and Kris Wilson. WOW2 To see more photos from the event, visit the event’s Facebook page or District VIII’s webpage.

Olympic RC Modelers Awarded with a Club Recognition and Reward Grant

The Academy of Model Aeronautics has awarded a $100 Club Recognition and Reward Grant to the Olympic RC Modelers of Washington. The club secured local media coverage of their fifth annual “Radio Control and Fun Fly-In.” Event details were published in the August 28, 2015 issue of the Peninsula Daily News. In addition, local news radio station KONP AM 1450 promoted the event on air from Aug. 24-30, 2015.


The Academy of Model Aeronautics has awarded a $100 Club Recognition and Reward Grant to the Olympic RC Modelers of Washington. The club secured local media coverage of their fifth annual “Radio Control and Fun Fly-In.” Event details were published in the August 28, 2015 issue of the Peninsula Daily News. In addition, local news radio station KONP AM 1450 promoted the event on air from Aug. 24-30, 2015. The AMA Club Recognition and Reward Program was established to encourage clubs to promote model aviation. The AMA offers clubs cash incentives for positive local media coverage for a public event, public service, club announcement, or other coverage. Click here to learn more about this program.

Boerne Area Model Society Awarded with a Club Recognition and Reward Grant

The Academy of Model Aeronautics has awarded a $75 Club Recognition and Reward Grant to the Boerne Area Model Society of Texas. The society secured local media coverage of their September fun fly fundraiser benefiting the local Kendall County Animal Shelter and Adoption Center. A picture of society members presenting the check to shelter staff appeared on the front of page of the Oct. 1, 2015 issue of Hill Country Weekly. The society’s fundraiser drew approx.


The Academy of Model Aeronautics has awarded a $75 Club Recognition and Reward Grant to the Boerne Area Model Society of Texas. The society secured local media coverage of their September fun fly fundraiser benefiting the local Kendall County Animal Shelter and Adoption Center. A picture of society members presenting the check to shelter staff appeared on the front of page of the Oct. 1, 2015 issue of Hill Country Weekly. The society’s fundraiser drew approx. 300 people and raised over $615 in donations and 340 pounds of dog and cat food for the shelter.

Boerne Area Model Society (

The AMA Club Recognition and Reward Program was established to encourage clubs to promote model aviation. The AMA offers clubs cash incentives for positive local media coverage for a public event, public service, club announcement, or other coverage. Click here to learn more about this program.

AMA District VIII to hold RC Fun Fly, Winds Over Windsong

On Saturday, November 7, AMA District VIII will host Wings Over Windsong, a fun fly RC event from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Windsong Ranch in Prosper, Texas. It’s shaping up to be an exciting day of flight.


On Saturday, November 7, AMA District VIII will host Wings Over Windsong, a fun fly RC event from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Windsong Ranch in Prosper, Texas. It’s shaping up to be an exciting day of flight. Along with AMA District VIII VP, Mark Johnston, attendees will find Quique Somenzini, F3A World Champion, flying a selection of airplanes provided by Bill Simpson. Larry Hultman of Livingston, Texas is scheduled to bring his 117 lb. Fokker DR1. A full scale Medivac Helicopter from PHI Air Medical will land at the event around 12 p.m. and be on display. One of the world’s best RC photographers - Mimi’s Model Aviation Memories – will document the event. For added fun, the AMA Mobile RC experience simulator trailer will make its way to the event. It’s all being held in support of the Wounded Warrior Project, so don’t miss out. To pre-register for the event, please visit RC Flight Deck. For more information, visit the event’s Facebook page or District VIII’s webpage. Congratulations to event organizers for their hard work: Windsong Ranch development group, AMA District VIII, Rowlett RC Club, North Dallas RC Club and Richardson RC Club, Mark Johnston, Ed Kranz, Charles Shaffer, John Williford, Lauren Stephan, and Kris Wilson. Margarita Monday

Sod Busters R/C Club

Sod Busters R/C Club


Sod Busters R/C Club

The AMA would like to congratulate the Sod Busters RC Club for being awarded with a Flying Site Development Improvement Grant worth $316.00. The Sioux Falls Sod Busters RC Club has been an AMA Chartered Club for 33 years. The club was founded in 1981 by Frank Zocco, who owned a hobby shop in Tea, SD. He paired up with other founding members to create what is known as today as the Sod Busters. The club has hosted an annual RC auction for more than 20 years. They also host an annual fun fly event. The club is looking to install a Geotextile US 230 runway mat. This mat will accommodate the many pilots who fly smaller electric aircraft. The club hopes to benefit from this project by enticing more people to fly at their field rather than at local city parks. Club members will provide 100% of the manual labor and the total cost of the project was $3,160.00. Click here for more information on the Sod Busters.

Franklin County Radio Control Club

Franklin County Radio Control Club


Franklin County Radio Control Club

The Franklin County Radio Control Club, located in Greenfield, MA, has been awarded with a Flying Site Development Improvement Grant worth $422.38. Started in the 1970s, the Franklin County Radio Control Club is located at the Turners Falls Airport in Turners Falls, MA. The club may be smaller in size, but they always have fun flying airplanes, helicopters, and FPV aircraft among others. The FCRCC is constantly encouraging growth and community. The FCRCC was able to improve their site ten-fold with the addition of an improved surface for pilots with electric aircraft. The club hopes to promote new member interest for those who don’t think it’s tangible financially and to provide education for those who wish to be involved with this construction addition. The main goal of the project is to have a unique platform to promote safety and education for those interested in all aspects of aviation. The total cost of this project was $4,223.81. Click here for more information about the Franklin County Radio Control Club.

Would you like a model flying site AT WORK!! Check out what Intel did


The Intel Corporation in DuPont, Washington, has an initiative called “Great Place to Work” (GPTW). Part of this initiative is to develop “Fun Teams.” The idea is to create a great workplace environment and stimulate workers by including activities directed specifically at workers’ interests. Several teams have already formed, including kayaking/rafting, golf, soccer, basketball, photography, and dancing.



The Intel Corporation in DuPont, Washington, has an initiative called “Great Place to Work” (GPTW). Part of this initiative is to develop “Fun Teams.” The idea is to create a great workplace environment and stimulate workers by including activities directed specifically at workers’ interests. Several teams have already formed, including kayaking/rafting, golf, soccer, basketball, photography, and dancing.

James Holland, Senior Validation Technician at Intel has been taking his RC airplane to work with him, flying in the parking lot during his lunch hour. After a while, several other co-workers started to join him and soon they had a group of about 15 pilots! Here is his story.  “Just for fun, we started flying small electric planes in the Intel back parking lot during our lunch hour, with a small group of guys that would fly every day, even during the cold of winter. The parking lot was fun, but not entirely safe due to the fact that cars were coming and going, and sometimes people were nearby.  At times, there were guys flying in the rear parking lot, as well as the front parking lot at the same time. It became clear that we needed to establish some sort of control to be safer, and so we could continue to keep our site friendly to presence of our aircraft.

Intel’s GPTW program’s goal is to entice interest in Intel as truly a Great Place to Work by investing in the people who work there. Part of this initiative was to create fun teams of various sorts. The list grew very quickly and many different teams developed.   The small group of dedicated fun fliers saw this as a unique opportunity to create an RC fun team. After negotiations with the fun-team and site managers, the Intel RC DuPont Group was formed.  A vacant unfinished parking lot on the Intel property was graciously approved by our site manager for our use. We spent a few weekends removing rocks from that area for a makeshift runway. It was not as smooth as flying from the parking lot, but now much safer as all fliers are at the same place on the property, and we no longer had to worry about cars, people, etc. The trees surrounding the lot always seem to catch any plane trying to get away.

The site managers moved some picnic tables out there so we have places to work on planes in our pit area. One by one, more people noticed us regularly flying during lunch time and interested people began to join us. Most could not believe at first that this was an Intel-sponsored team!  The Fun Team purchased two networked RealFlight simulators with all add-ons and 50-inch plasma screen monitors for them. The simulators were set up in our common game room, where all Intel DuPont employees now have access to learn to fly RC! When the weather is bad outside, the networked simulators provide an excellent alternative for some fun flying or to brush up on our skills.

Still in our infancy, we are now looking forward to more members, more employee exposure, and possibly site improvements like runway surfacing, safety fencing, signage, etc. We are interested in growing this Fun Team to a whole new level of fun. We have ideas such as fun-fly events, or maybe introductory flight days with instructor pilots with trainer systems at the ready for first time pilots.  We regularly have new aircraft showing up at the field, and several new pilots which have already learned to fly right here at their place of work!

The RC Fun Team is a unique kind of team probably not seen yet at many companies. There are many benefits to having employer-sponsored Fun Teams. It is an excellent way to bring people together, and helps develop relationships which can then benefit the company.  Teamwork through diversity is what truly makes Intel successful, and the Fun Teams are an excellent way to bridge the gaps between people of different interests and backgrounds. The Fun Teams enhance communication skills, and help people open up, relax, and truly smile as they have real fun!”

Intel Manager Gerardo Martinez offered the following comments:

“I think the value of the company to have a Great Place to Work is one of the ways that we retain people and all come back to work happy every day. It’s really important to foster an environment where the employees can relax and decompress to later come back to be productive and with a refreshed mindset.  Creativity is not obtained by putting pressure in the environment but the other way around. The different fun activities offered by the Great Place to Work program creates a relaxed environment where people interact in different informal situations (not work related). Those bonds improve teamwork and ease communication in the different organizations.  In the end the company implements these groups to improve moral, reduce stress and have fun.”

AMA can help you if you are interested in creating a similar situation with the company you work for.  If they are large enough, it is possible to present this concept to them for consideration.  Contact Tony Stillman at if you would like to pursue this concept where you work!
