Sod Busters R/C Club

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Sod Busters R/C Club

The AMA would like to congratulate the Sod Busters RC Club for being awarded with a Flying Site Development Improvement Grant worth $316.00. The Sioux Falls Sod Busters RC Club has been an AMA Chartered Club for 33 years. The club was founded in 1981 by Frank Zocco, who owned a hobby shop in Tea, SD. He paired up with other founding members to create what is known as today as the Sod Busters. The club has hosted an annual RC auction for more than 20 years. They also host an annual fun fly event. The club is looking to install a Geotextile US 230 runway mat. This mat will accommodate the many pilots who fly smaller electric aircraft. The club hopes to benefit from this project by enticing more people to fly at their field rather than at local city parks. Club members will provide 100% of the manual labor and the total cost of the project was $3,160.00. Click here for more information on the Sod Busters.