AMA Foundation Launch Celebration

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AMA EXPO 2014, January 10-12

To our donors,

As a valued supporter of the Academy of Model Aeronautics, the AMA Executive Council invites you to learn more about the new AMA Foundation at the 2014 AMA Expo, to be held January 10-12 at the Ontario Convention Center in Ontario CA.

Be our guest and join the Executive Council and the AMA Foundation development team for coffee and refreshments at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, January 11, in the ballroom area. This gathering will be followed by the AMA membership meeting at 9 a.m.

A special announcement launching the foundation will be made on the main stage at AMA Expo on Friday and Saturday. Please come by the stage so we can recognize you as a foundation supporter, and stop by the AMA Foundation booth to learn more about how you can help achieve the foundation's mission of securing the future of model aviation through our new donor programs.

Print this page and bring it to the membership meeting to receive a donor gift for your support.

Please call the AMA Foundation at (800) 435-9262, extension 277, for more information.