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2020 Grants Awarded!

A total of $56,069.32 has been awarded in grants.

Congratulations to the 2020 recipients of the Flying Site Improvement Grant and the Take Off and Grow Grant.  


A total of $56,069.32 has been awarded in grants.

Congratulations to the 2020 recipients of the Flying Site Improvement Grant and the Take Off and Grow Grant.  

Flying Site Improvement Grant (FSIG)

26 clubs were awarded Flying Site Improvement grants in 2020! AMA established the Flying Site Improvement Grant program to invest in the continued improvement and growth of AMA chartered clubs and fields. Grant funding is provided through an allocation of membership dues each year as well as from funding from the AMA Foundation. These clubs are making a difference in the model aviation community, and the communities in which they operate. This year, $41,464.32 was awarded.


Rhode Island Aeromodelers $1,538.36

Southern New Hampshire Flying Eagles R/C Club $2,621.75

Brauer's Aviators $441.35

Fairfield League of Yankee Radio Controllers  (FlyRC) $393.20

Anderson Flyers RC Club $533.58

Greater Cincinnati Radio Control Club $3,000.00

Charlotte Aeromodelers $3,000.00

District of Columbia Radio Control (DCRC) Club $972.00

Bay City Flyers $3,000.00

Blount County Model Aviators $1,135.00

Seminole Radio Control Club $1,811.00

Flying Cardinals of Northern Kentucky $1,841.75

Fort Wayne Flying Circuits $377.00

Henderson RC Model Airplane Club $516.57

Mid-Missouri Radio Control Association $1,660.47

Midwest Air Wing R/C Club $3,000.00

Des Moines Modelaires $1,298.35

Flying Pilgrims $1,606.82

Lake County Modelers and Flyers Association $3,000.00

Wausau RC Sportsmen $1,476.00

ARF RC Flying Club $516.50

Good Ole Okies Flying Society $1,090.00

Sky Corral R/C Club $1,940.75

Silent Electric Fliers of San Diego $496.45

Tri Valley RC Modelers $3,000.00

Puget Sound Silent Flyers $1,197.42


Take Off and Grow (TAG) Grant

23 clubs were awarded Take Off and Grow Grants in 2020! AMA awards up to $1,000 to clubs that implement a Take off And Grow (TAG) program in their local communities. TAG programs provide newcomers to model aviation an opportunity to learn about the hobby as well as practice flying model aircraft with experienced club members. TAG grants are awarded each year, thanks to the generous support of AMA members and AMA Foundation donors across the country. This year, $14,605.00 was awarded.

Club NameAmount

Aeroguidance Society$790.00

Meroke Radio Control$1,000.00

Penn Ohio Radio Kontrol Society (PORKS)$800.00

Valley City R/C Club, Inc.$1,000.00

Holly Springs Skyhawks Radio Control Group$800.00

Johnston County Aeromodelling Club$1,000.00

Largo Flying Club$500.00

Flagler City Radio Aero Modelers$800.00

Stone Mountain Radio Control Flyers$500.00

Henderson Radio Control Model Airplane Club$715.00

Madison Area Radio Control Society (MARCS)$500.00

Lake County Modelers & Flyers$500.00

Milan Flyers$400.00

Capital Area Radio Drone Squadron$400.00

Corsicana R/C Flyers$300.00

Richardson Radio Control Club$1,000.00

Casper Airmodelers Association$400.00

Rapid City Propbusters$500.00

Longmont Electric Aircraft Flyers, LEAF$500.00

Lincoln Sky Knights$400.00

Casa Grande RC Flyers$1,000.00

Oasis Flyers (Flying Aces)$800.00



CARES Act Information for Individual Charitable Giving

The AMA Foundation thanks each and every one of our donors for their continued support of AMA programs. We have compiled some information that might be helpful. This information is provided by Independent Sector, and provides important information on how the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides incentives for charitable giving.


The AMA Foundation thanks each and every one of our donors for their continued support of AMA programs. We have compiled some information that might be helpful. This information is provided by Independent Sector, and provides important information on how the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides incentives for charitable giving.

  • Donors may be eligible for a $300 universal charitable deduction: Permits individuals to deduct up to $300 of cash contributions to most charities in 2020 for those who do not itemize their deductions.
  • New changes on limitations for charitable giving: Suspends the limitation on deductions for cash contributions to most charities for individuals who itemize. Increases the limitation on deductions for similar contributions by corporations from 10% to 25% of taxable income. Also increases the limitation on deductions from 15% to 25% for contributions of food inventory.
  • The CARES Act temporarily waves required minimum distributions (RMDs) for all types of retirement plans for the year 2020.

The AMA Foundation encourages you to speak with your financial advisor on these updates. Things are evolving and changing every day, so please continue to monitor our website and others for important information.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation while we do our part to address COVID-19. The safety of our staff, members, and community are AMA’s top priority. Together we can work to slow the spread of COVID-19 and eventually life will return to normal. Please check our website /amafoundation/covid-19-update/ for more information.

Academy of Model Aeronautics awards $50,000 in scholarships

Thirteen students awarded a total of $50,000 for academic pursuits The Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) has helped graduating seniors achieve their dreams since 1970, with individual scholarships ranging from $500 to $8,000 each year. This year, $50,000 total was awarded to students. Student scholarships are awarded each year thanks to the generous support of AMA members and AMA Foundation patrons across the country. AMA has awarded more than $1.1 million in scholarships since founding the scholarship program.


Thirteen students awarded a total of $50,000 for academic pursuits The Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) has helped graduating seniors achieve their dreams since 1970, with individual scholarships ranging from $500 to $8,000 each year. This year, $50,000 total was awarded to students. Student scholarships are awarded each year thanks to the generous support of AMA members and AMA Foundation patrons across the country. AMA has awarded more than $1.1 million in scholarships since founding the scholarship program. AMA is happy to announce that 13 high school graduates from across the nation will benefit from the AMA scholarship fund this year. The scholarship money is generated through donations by model aviation organizations, individuals, and AMA members, and a portion of AMA member dues. Award designations are set by the AMA Scholarship Committee, which is made up of model aviation pilots and enthusiasts. The committee evaluates each application and ranks it based on GPA, community involvement, model flying experience, and model flying competition participation. AMA and its foundation want to thank each family that has contributed to the memorial scholarships, as well as the hundreds of other donors to the scholarship program. Without their generous contributions, these gifts would not be possible. AMA would like to congratulate the following students who have been selected this year to receive the Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship and others:

  1. Robert Van Zyl (Peachtree, GA): $7,000 Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship; $1,000 Weak Signals Club Scholarship
  1. Stoil Avramov (Elkridge, MD): $2,000 Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship; $5,000 Clifford and Nancy Telford Scholarship 
  1. Sparsh Desai: $6,000 Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship; $500 Weak Signals Club Scholarship
  1. Thomas Holcomb (Marietta, GA): $5,000 Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship, $500 Weak Signals Club Scholarship
  1. Jacob Pulsipher (West Richland, WA): $4,500 Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship, $1,000 Ryan Sherrow Memorial Scholarship
  1. Joseph Thibodeau (Appling, GA): $4,000 Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship
  1. Trevor Burke (Dallas): $3,500 Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship
  1. Kyle Albrecht (Fenton, MI): $3,000 Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship
  1. Darius Rieger (Cape Elizabeth, ME): $2,500, Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship
  1. Julia Minicozzi (Babylon, NY): $2,000, Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship
  1. Linda Markham (Carrollton, GA): $1,000 Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship
  1. Joshua McCreary (Suffolk, VA): $1,000 Basil and Dorothy Cooper Memorial Scholarship
  1. Edward Bukowski (Parkland, FL): $500 Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship

2019 AMA Flying Site Grant Recipients

Congratulations to the 2019 Flying Site Development/Improvement Grant recipients. Each club has been successful in its efforts to increase the value the club’s property and member experience.

A total of $32,542.54 has been awarded among 44 AMA Chartered Clubs.


Congratulations to the 2019 Flying Site Development/Improvement Grant recipients. Each club has been successful in its efforts to increase the value the club’s property and member experience.

A total of $32,542.54 has been awarded among 44 AMA Chartered Clubs.

AMA established the Flying Site Development/Improvement Grant program to invest in the continued improvement and growth of AMA chartered clubs. Grant funding is provided through an allocation of membership dues each year. This year, thanks to the support of AMA Foundation donors, enough funding was available to award grants to all qualified clubs. These clubs are making a difference in the model aviation community, and the communities in which they operate.

Club Name


Bridgerland RC$381.00

Central Alabama Sportflyers$240.30

Circle Masters Flying Club$37.01

Corning Tri Rivers RC Modelers$237.54

Dallas Wingdingers$346.51

Derby Radio Control Club$1,828.35

East Coast Swamp Fliers$2,400.72

Erie RC Club$49.58

Fairgrounds Flyers$214.43

Florence Aeromodelers$1,324.92

Fraser Flying Club$97.89

Harvey County Radio Control Club$1,336.19

Horizon City Flyers$257.00

Hudson Valley RC Club$245.00

Huntington County Modelers$551.01

Inland Empire Radio Control Club$150.00

Island Flyers RC Club$670.16

Johnson County RC Flyers$160.49

Maricopa AMA RC Club$120.81

Miracle Strip RC Modelers$551.68

North Georgia Model Aviators$698.96

Northeast Aero RC Club$350.00

Ocean County Modelers$717.77

Olympic Radio Control Association$269.29

Omahawks, RC Inc$3,000.00

Osceola Flyers$70.00

Owatonna RC Modelers$429.46

Penn Ohio Radio Kontrol Society$306.00


Radio Control Society of Marine Park$838.75

River City Radio Controllers$2,636.20

Robin's Flying Field$1,249.44

Rochester Aero-Modeling Society, inc$160.02

Seaview Rotary Wings$175.00

Shadetree RC Club$401.79

Smith Lake Fliers$848.62

Somerset RC$29.53

Southwest Area Park Modelers$243.07

Sun Valley Fliers$3,000.00

Top O' New Jersey$783.56

Tumecula Valley Fliers$741.60

Tuscarora RC Flying Club$290.20

Washington County Model Aviation Association$532.12

Western Carolina Radio Club$3,000.00
