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Daytona Beach Radio Control Association

Daytona Beach Radio Control Association


Daytona Beach Radio Control Association

The Daytona Beach Radio Control Association has been awarded with a Flying Site Development Improvement Grant worth $880.00. Located in Daytona Beach, FL, the club has been an AMA Chartered Club for 46 years. The club’s flying site has two covered pavilions with concrete pads, along with multiple flying areas. The club is looking to grow their membership and needs to make improvements to their flying site to keep up with the growth. The parking area the club currently uses turns into a mud bog during part of the year. Construction for this project will improve the quality of the parking area and the overall quality of the club’s flying site. In addition, this construction project will allow the club to host larger events. Click here for more information on the Daytona Beach Radio Control Association.

Central Savannah River Area Flyers

Central Savannah River Area Flyers The Central Savannah River Area Flyers (CSRA Flyers) have been awarded with a Flying Site Development Improvement Grant worth $437.80 on behalf of the Academy of Model Aeronautics. The CSRA Flyers have been in existence for more than 35 years. The club believes in promoting the passion they have for the hobby of model aviation and work to give newcomers advice in building, flying, and repairing models.


Central Savannah River Area Flyers The Central Savannah River Area Flyers (CSRA Flyers) have been awarded with a Flying Site Development Improvement Grant worth $437.80 on behalf of the Academy of Model Aeronautics. The CSRA Flyers have been in existence for more than 35 years. The club believes in promoting the passion they have for the hobby of model aviation and work to give newcomers advice in building, flying, and repairing models. With the election of new officers for the 2015 year, the club has received permission to revitalize the flying site to make it a safer, updated place to fly. The CSRA Flyers’ goal is to develop an AMA guideline site, increase their membership, teach new pilots, and foster the model aviation hobby. The revitalization project will include building two carport shelters, a flight line barrier, a spectator fence, parking areas, repairing the asphalt runway, and others. The club believes these improvements will increase the membership and promote the hobby of model aviation. Click here to check out the website for the CSRA Flyers.

Central Arizona Modelers, Inc.

Central Arizona Modelers, Inc.


Central Arizona Modelers, Inc.

On behalf of the AMA, the Central Arizona Modelers, Inc. has been awarded with a Flying Site Development Grant worth $408.57. The club has been an AMA Chartered Club for 36 years. Club members fly at their field in Cottonwood, AZ. The club’s goal is to encourage fun and safe operation of radio controlled model aircraft. The Central Arizona Modelers always welcome visitors and pilots to share the joy and satisfaction of the hobby of model aviation. The club is mainly interested in social interactions rather than competitions, but will hold the occasional contest. Club members enjoy flying everything from trainers to scale to 3D. The Central Arizona Modelers’ flying site is located on Forest Service land. They maintain the access road for high ground clearance vehicles which is not conducive for transporting models and visitors’ vehicles. The grant from the AMA will allow the club to buy equipment to maintain the road as well as help with field maintenance and reducing manual labor for primarily senior citizen club members. For more information on the Central Arizona Modelers, click here to check out their website.

Baton Rouge RC Club, Inc.

Baton Rouge RC Club, Inc.


Baton Rouge RC Club, Inc.

The Baton Rouge RC Club, Inc. has been awarded with a Flying Site Development Improvement Grant worth $1,669.62. The club is located in Baton Rouge, LA and has been an AMA Chartered Club for approximately 50 years. The Baton Rouge RC Club hosts several events throughout the year. The club is always looking to add additional members who share their passion for the hobby of model aviation. The Baton Rouge RC Club has requested this grant because they are undergoing the largest project they have planned in years. The club is undergoing this project to attract new members to the club and the model aviation hobby. The Baton Rouge RC Club is going to create a first class electric field to improve their flying site and entice new members to join the club. The field will be an attraction for beginner pilots because the small electric planes are more affordable and less fragile. Click here for more information about the Baton Rogue RC Club.

Batavia Radio Control Flying Club

Batavia Radio Control Flying Club


Batavia Radio Control Flying Club

Located in New York, the Batavia Radio Control Flying Club has received a Flying Site Development Improvement Grant worth $437.25 on behalf of the AMA. The Batavia Radio Control Flying Club has been an AMA Chartered Club for more than 40 years. The club is constantly looking to introduce model flying to new members. The club completed upgrades to their flying site such as the construction of five PVC flying stations along with PVC protective fences. The upgrades were necessary for safety problems as well as aesthetics. The club believes these improvements will help them attract new members and host additional flying events.

Washington R/C Club uses AMA and local Grant Money to improve site

washingtonrcfieldlogo-300x178 Flying Site Assistance Case-Study Vern Mall of Washington, Illinois, shares a flying site story. “My name is Vern Mall and I am the president of the Washington R/C Flyers, Inc. (WR/CF) in District VI in Washington, Illinois. Our current membership is 46 pilots. We were formerly named Summit Valley RIC Flyers.


washingtonrcfieldlogo-300x178 Flying Site Assistance Case-Study Vern Mall of Washington, Illinois, shares a flying site story. “My name is Vern Mall and I am the president of the Washington R/C Flyers, Inc. (WR/CF) in District VI in Washington, Illinois. Our current membership is 46 pilots. We were formerly named Summit Valley RIC Flyers. This name change was brought about because of the relationship we have cultivated with the City of Washington. We vacated our flying site of 14 years last summer because of the construction of a house that would be in our flight pattern. Our search for a new site began roughly mid-year and we looked at many potential sites but rejected most for various reasons including safety.  One of our members noted that the City of Washington owned land east of town that it had purchased for flood control. We contacted two of the city aldermen and they were favorable of our idea and suggested that we make a presentation to the city council. We put together a PowerPoint presentation and gave it at a city council meeting. The councilmen, mayor, city administrator, city engineer, and city attorney were impressed and the council moved and approved the city administrator to work with us on a lease agreement. We went to the Tazwell County Zoning Board and were approved for a special-use permit to construct a runway, club house, maintenance building, and a vault toilet. This was completed in December.  The area of the special-use permit contains 57 acres of overfly area, five acres of which the club will lease from the city. The remainder of the 57 acres is farmed by a person who leases it from the city. We have talked to the farmer and adjacent land owners and all are favorable to being neighbors with us. We had no objectors at the zoning meeting because of the groundwork that was laid with all parties concerned. blog-pic The club has applied for an AMA grant for flying site assistance and Charlie Bauer has informed me that he has signed it and forwarded it to AMA Headquarters. We have also requested a grant and/or discount from our local RP Lumber Co. where we intend to purchase the materials for the building construction.  We have also sold bonds to our membership to obtain enough funds to improve this ‘cornfield’ into a flying site and home that all can be proud of.  We have had many comments about our former site, saying that it looked like a park-always neat, in a valley setting with deer, wild turkey, rabbits, squirrels, ground hogs, coyotes, and one skunk!   Last spring, one of our members landed near the end of the runway and a wild turkey came out of the undergrowth in full strut, and headed for his colorful airplane. We still don’t know if the turkey did this thinking it was another turkey since this incident occurred during breeding season. washingtonrc02-300x137 We signed the lease with the City of Washington at the end of the city council meeting. We had seven members present, one of whom is our unofficial club photographer, Don Pyles. We planted grass seed on the five acres days later."

AMA wins $5,000 grant from Lightspeed Aviation Foundation

The Academy of Model Aeronautics has been named as the 4th place award winner by the Lightspeed Aviation Foundation for a Pilot's Choice Award Grant. The AMA is one of eight charities that will receive funds for aviation-related pursuits.


The Academy of Model Aeronautics has been named as the 4th place award winner by the Lightspeed Aviation Foundation for a Pilot's Choice Award Grant. The AMA is one of eight charities that will receive funds for aviation-related pursuits. lightspeedmike As the 4th place finisher, AMA will be granted $5,000. AMA’s education department will use the funds to develop a model aviation day camp at AMA Headquarters in Muncie, IN. The on-site camp curriculum will be further developed to share with AMA’s 2400 clubs throughout the country. The goal of the day camp will be to ignite imagination and learning through principles of flight. Everyone who attends will not only learn more about model aviation as a hobby, but will learn many principles of STEM-based education. AMA Associate Vice-President Michael Lee represented the AMA at the Flying Aviation Expo in Palm Springs, CA, where the live announcement naming the winners was made.  AMA was recognized for its educational pursuits and for its continued efforts to represent the model aviation community. lightspeed-award “Awarding these aviation charities provides the opportunity to advance their individual cause and together expand awareness and appreciation for aviation," says Allan Schrader, President of Lightspeed Aviation. “Since its inception, the Pilots Choice voting and awards have introduced us all to dozens of worthy charities and amazing people that are making a significant impact around the world." The Lightspeed Aviation Foundation was established in 2010 out of the commitment and passion of the Lightspeed Aviation Corporation to serve the aviation community. Since introducing its first product at EAA AirVenture in 1996, Lightspeed Aviation has established a reputation for leading product innovation in aviation headsets with a number of "first to market" advances in comfort, quiet, clarity, and pilot-centric functionality. This has earned Lightspeed a loyal customer following among professional, commercial, and private pilots. Learn more about the Lightspeed Aviation Foundation.
