Contribution Made In Honor of Warren Kurth
Thank you to the family of Warren Kurth for donating to the AMA Foundation in honor of Warren. Warren Kurth was born on April 5, 1933 in Bloomington, Illinois. His modeling career began with a sheet-balsa model kit when he was six years old. He was an assistant instructor at a YMCA model building class during junior high school. Warren lectured on model building, flew Control Line demonstrations, and taught a model building class at the community center for disadvantaged boys when he was in high school. Warren designed several models in his career, including the Miniball, Jetstream, Hedgehopper, Peetriot, and the infamous Peanut. The Miniball, first published in the October 1970 issue of Model AIrplane News, had seven National AMA records in 1/2 A Proto Speed in Open, Junior, and Senior classes between 1968 and 1972. Warren's Jetstream also won many trophies in 1956, 1960, and 1961. The Jetstream set three national AMA records in 1959 and the early 1960's. Several of Warren's kits and complete airplanes were donated to the National Model Aviation Museum.