The Rogue Eagles RC Club Receives an AMA Club Recognition and Reward Grant

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The Rogue Eagles RC Club recently received an AMA Club Recognition and Reward Grant for $125. The club is located in Medford, OR. The club hosted their 39th Annual Air Show at the Agate Skyways air field. The Air Show ran from noon to 2 p.m. August 29-30. Admission was $5 per person or $10 per carload, with kids allowed in free. The proceeds from the event benefited Children’s Miracle Network health care services provided to local kids through Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center. The club members flew everything from real drones to models of fighter jets to gliders and biplanes. There was also an Avanti electric-powered jet that reached 110 miles per hour. The event was family friendly and a bomber replica ended the show each day by dumping pounds of candy on the runway for kids to grab. The AMA would like to thank the Rogue Eagles RC Club for hosting a family friendly event and raising money for the Children's Miracle Network. The AMA Club Recognition and Reward Program was established to encourage clubs to promote model aviation. The AMA offers clubs cash incentives for positive local media coverage for a public event, public service, club announcement, or other coverage. Click here to learn more about this program.