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AMA Disaster Grant Helps Clubs Recover

When nature turns cruel, AMA supports its clubs.

For chartered clubs that suffer damage to their sites through natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquake, fire, or similar catastrophic events, AMA, through support from the AMA Foundation’s Club Support Fund, offers limited financial assistance (up to $500 per incident) for repairs needed to make the damaged flying site accessible and usable to club members. 


When nature turns cruel, AMA supports its clubs.

For chartered clubs that suffer damage to their sites through natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquake, fire, or similar catastrophic events, AMA, through support from the AMA Foundation’s Club Support Fund, offers limited financial assistance (up to $500 per incident) for repairs needed to make the damaged flying site accessible and usable to club members. 

In 2020, AMA and the AMA Foundation were able to provide $6,500 in Disaster Relief Grants to 13 clubs around the country, helping them restore their flying sites.  

The Cedar Rapids Skyhawks and the Bay Area Radio Control Society were two clubs who received a Disaster Relief Grant this year. Read below to learm more about how AMA's grant assisted their repair efforts.


On August 10, 2020, a storm rolled through Cedar Rapids, Iowa. This was not just any storm, but one that is called a Derecho. This rare storm had straight line winds in excess of 120 mph as it flattened trees and buildings in its path. The City of Cedar Rapids had a significant amount of damage and very few people in the area came out of it unscathed.  

The Cedar Rapids Skyhawks field has [been] through quite a few storms without any significant issues. There are no buildings, and our runway is a Petromat surface that usually stands up well to the wind. This storm was not like the others though, and our runway sustained quite a bit of damage. 

The flight stands were gone, blown across the field and [broken] up as they tumbled away.  The port-a-potty had broken free and [...] tore down some chain link fence.  On its journey, it caught the Petromat and tore it up enough for the wind to take hold.  Once the wind caught the mat, it ripped up large chunks, exposing the surface underneath to the wind and rain. 

There was much work to do to get the field flyable again. To complicate matters, most of the club members had significant damage at their homes [...] and were without electrical power for days after the storm.  The club’s biggest event of the year, Warbirds Over Iowa, was scheduled to take place in a little over two weeks.

I remembered that AMA had a program for club disaster assistance, so I decided I’d apply for a grant. I sent in the application three days after the storm, and we had approval and a check for $500 in less than a week. The money helped us to buy needed supplies and also served to motivate some of our club members. It seemed that all we had was bad news, and anything positive helped. After a couple of extensive repair sessions, we were able to repair the runway by patching it up.  We rented a roller and went over it a few times to make sure it was ready to handle the warbirds that would attend our event.  We were able to host Warbirds Over Iowa on schedule and our members were very happy to have an opportunity to get away from the stress of storm clean up through enjoyment of the hobby we all love.  

We appreciate the AMA’s quick response in our time of need.

Todd Davis, President of Cedar Rapids Skyhawks.

[Hurricane] Zeta took more of the metal roof off the pit area and that metal and our benches ended up in a farmer's field...destroyed, of course.  The runway material (300 ft. by 15 ft.) ended about 500 ft. away in several large trees.

We were going to try to save the runway material, but decided it needs to be replaced.  We will now use the grant money to repair our pit roof and benches and add what's left to the cost of new runway material.

As with a lot of clubs, we have a large number of senior citizens that aren't up to handling 16 ft. 2 x 6's and sheet metal roofing, so getting back to our great facility may take some extra time.

We, again, thank you and the AMA for the grant money.

Al Whitney, President of Bay Area Radio Control Society

The AMA Foundation relies on your donations to continue providing relief and aid to clubs affected by natural disasters. Donate today to the Club Support Fund.

Learn more about the Disaster Relief Grant.

Register your club to celebrate National Model Aviation Day

Join the AMA Foundation in celebrating the ninth annual National Model Aviation Day, August 15, 2020!


Join the AMA Foundation in celebrating the ninth annual National Model Aviation Day, August 15, 2020!

National Model Aviation Day was created to encourage clubs to celebrate their hobby by sharing it with their communities. Year after year, clubs use this day to raise money for the AMA Foundation and other charities close to their heart. Donations made to the AMA Foundation are used to inspire the young and young-at-heart to pursue a hobby that will inspire creativity and advanced learning through the use of hands-on applications. Read what District X Associate Vice President Jim Mohan has to say about this day of fun and celebration:

Our celebration [of National Model Aviation Day] is our club’s chance to reach out to neighbors and invite those in the area to come out and enjoy a nice day with RC model flying, food, and a chance to fly one of the club’s trainers under the supervision of an instructor. Activities also include several raffles used as fundraising tools. National Model Aviation Day falls during the hottest part of the summer in the Phoenix area. With that in mind, the Arizona Model Pilots Society (AMPS) shifts its celebration to November when the weather better cooperates with outdoor activities. 

This past year, our event outreach and advertising resulted in roughly 30 registered pilots, but more importantly, nearly 100 guests stopped by to take in the activities. Approximately 25 visitors of all ages took advantage of the opportunity to fly an RC airplane. Several current club members got their start with model aviation as guests at our open house and National Model Aviation Day celebration.

Supporting the AMA Foundation on NMAD is a “no-brainer.” 

Although there are many worthy causes supported by several excellent groups, celebrating National Model Aviation Day calls for dedicating proceeds to the AMA Foundation. Last year, raffle proceeds allowed us to contribute $500 to the AMA Foundation. The foundation’s support of a variety of model aviation causes and activities provides clubs like ours the opportunity to contribute without the extra work of vetting and determining which activities deserve financial backing.

Having recently received an AMA Flying Site Improvement Grant, AMPS’ ongoing support of the AMA Foundation is one way to pay it forward to provide funding for other clubs and their projects. 

-Jim Mohan, AMPS president & District X associate vice president 

Register your club to participate or Find an Event at

  For more information, contact: Kelsie Walker ( or Austin Perlee (

2020 Grants Awarded!

A total of $56,069.32 has been awarded in grants.

Congratulations to the 2020 recipients of the Flying Site Improvement Grant and the Take Off and Grow Grant.  


A total of $56,069.32 has been awarded in grants.

Congratulations to the 2020 recipients of the Flying Site Improvement Grant and the Take Off and Grow Grant.  

Flying Site Improvement Grant (FSIG)

26 clubs were awarded Flying Site Improvement grants in 2020! AMA established the Flying Site Improvement Grant program to invest in the continued improvement and growth of AMA chartered clubs and fields. Grant funding is provided through an allocation of membership dues each year as well as from funding from the AMA Foundation. These clubs are making a difference in the model aviation community, and the communities in which they operate. This year, $41,464.32 was awarded.


Rhode Island Aeromodelers $1,538.36

Southern New Hampshire Flying Eagles R/C Club $2,621.75

Brauer's Aviators $441.35

Fairfield League of Yankee Radio Controllers  (FlyRC) $393.20

Anderson Flyers RC Club $533.58

Greater Cincinnati Radio Control Club $3,000.00

Charlotte Aeromodelers $3,000.00

District of Columbia Radio Control (DCRC) Club $972.00

Bay City Flyers $3,000.00

Blount County Model Aviators $1,135.00

Seminole Radio Control Club $1,811.00

Flying Cardinals of Northern Kentucky $1,841.75

Fort Wayne Flying Circuits $377.00

Henderson RC Model Airplane Club $516.57

Mid-Missouri Radio Control Association $1,660.47

Midwest Air Wing R/C Club $3,000.00

Des Moines Modelaires $1,298.35

Flying Pilgrims $1,606.82

Lake County Modelers and Flyers Association $3,000.00

Wausau RC Sportsmen $1,476.00

ARF RC Flying Club $516.50

Good Ole Okies Flying Society $1,090.00

Sky Corral R/C Club $1,940.75

Silent Electric Fliers of San Diego $496.45

Tri Valley RC Modelers $3,000.00

Puget Sound Silent Flyers $1,197.42


Take Off and Grow (TAG) Grant

23 clubs were awarded Take Off and Grow Grants in 2020! AMA awards up to $1,000 to clubs that implement a Take off And Grow (TAG) program in their local communities. TAG programs provide newcomers to model aviation an opportunity to learn about the hobby as well as practice flying model aircraft with experienced club members. TAG grants are awarded each year, thanks to the generous support of AMA members and AMA Foundation donors across the country. This year, $14,605.00 was awarded.

Club NameAmount

Aeroguidance Society$790.00

Meroke Radio Control$1,000.00

Penn Ohio Radio Kontrol Society (PORKS)$800.00

Valley City R/C Club, Inc.$1,000.00

Holly Springs Skyhawks Radio Control Group$800.00

Johnston County Aeromodelling Club$1,000.00

Largo Flying Club$500.00

Flagler City Radio Aero Modelers$800.00

Stone Mountain Radio Control Flyers$500.00

Henderson Radio Control Model Airplane Club$715.00

Madison Area Radio Control Society (MARCS)$500.00

Lake County Modelers & Flyers$500.00

Milan Flyers$400.00

Capital Area Radio Drone Squadron$400.00

Corsicana R/C Flyers$300.00

Richardson Radio Control Club$1,000.00

Casper Airmodelers Association$400.00

Rapid City Propbusters$500.00

Longmont Electric Aircraft Flyers, LEAF$500.00

Lincoln Sky Knights$400.00

Casa Grande RC Flyers$1,000.00

Oasis Flyers (Flying Aces)$800.00



CARES Act Information for Individual Charitable Giving

The AMA Foundation thanks each and every one of our donors for their continued support of AMA programs. We have compiled some information that might be helpful. This information is provided by Independent Sector, and provides important information on how the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides incentives for charitable giving.


The AMA Foundation thanks each and every one of our donors for their continued support of AMA programs. We have compiled some information that might be helpful. This information is provided by Independent Sector, and provides important information on how the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides incentives for charitable giving.

  • Donors may be eligible for a $300 universal charitable deduction: Permits individuals to deduct up to $300 of cash contributions to most charities in 2020 for those who do not itemize their deductions.
  • New changes on limitations for charitable giving: Suspends the limitation on deductions for cash contributions to most charities for individuals who itemize. Increases the limitation on deductions for similar contributions by corporations from 10% to 25% of taxable income. Also increases the limitation on deductions from 15% to 25% for contributions of food inventory.
  • The CARES Act temporarily waves required minimum distributions (RMDs) for all types of retirement plans for the year 2020.

The AMA Foundation encourages you to speak with your financial advisor on these updates. Things are evolving and changing every day, so please continue to monitor our website and others for important information.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation while we do our part to address COVID-19. The safety of our staff, members, and community are AMA’s top priority. Together we can work to slow the spread of COVID-19 and eventually life will return to normal. Please check our website /amafoundation/covid-19-update/ for more information.

Celine Flying Sportman Receive AMA Recognition and Reward Grant

Celine Flying Sportman recently received an AMA Club Recognition and Reward Grant for $75. The club is located in Celina, OH. The club held their annual event, A Gathering of Legends, in Celina, OH. The event included warbirds of every size, a foam frenzy, a concession stand and more. People were able to bring their lawnchairs and watch the flight all day as members took-off down the runway. Several planes of different sizes, some up to 50 pounds, were at the event. The AMA Club Recognition and Reward Program was established to encourage clubs to promote model aviation.


Celine Flying Sportman recently received an AMA Club Recognition and Reward Grant for $75. The club is located in Celina, OH. The club held their annual event, A Gathering of Legends, in Celina, OH. The event included warbirds of every size, a foam frenzy, a concession stand and more. People were able to bring their lawnchairs and watch the flight all day as members took-off down the runway. Several planes of different sizes, some up to 50 pounds, were at the event. The AMA Club Recognition and Reward Program was established to encourage clubs to promote model aviation. The AMA offers clubs cash incentives for positive local media coverage for a public event, public service, club announcement, or other coverage. Click here to learn more about this program.

$5,000 awarded in Club Recognition and Reward Grants

Congratulations to each AMA club that qualified for an AMA Club Recognition and Reward Grant in 2019. We are thrilled to share with the membership that the entire $5,000 allotted to provide funding to clubs was awarded to 50 clubs. This means our clubs are going above and beyond to share positive stories about model flying activities. The more our clubs share, the more our hobby receives recognition. Thank you to each of these clubs for doing their part to make this happen.


Congratulations to each AMA club that qualified for an AMA Club Recognition and Reward Grant in 2019. We are thrilled to share with the membership that the entire $5,000 allotted to provide funding to clubs was awarded to 50 clubs. This means our clubs are going above and beyond to share positive stories about model flying activities. The more our clubs share, the more our hobby receives recognition. Thank you to each of these clubs for doing their part to make this happen. The Academy of Model Aeronautics encourages clubs across the country to take part in events and serve the community in ways that will entice community members to learn more about the hobby of model aviation. Becoming a vital part of your community will help your club build your membership and inspire others, including the youth in your community. To encourage clubs to promote model aviation, the AMA offers clubs cash incentives for positive local media coverage for a public event, public service, club announcement, or other coverage. The program is simple. If your club has received publicity through the local media, simply submit the article, radio segment, or television clip to AMA’s Public Relations department. The department will review your application, and reward your club’s treasury based on the coverage received. Atoms Rcers Beresford Area Radio Flyers Binghampton Aeros Bristol County R/C Club Cape May County Wireless Aircraft Sport Pilots Capital Area Radio Drone Squadron Casa Grande RC Flyers Casper Airmodelers Cedar Rapids Skyhawks Celina Flying Sportman Coachella Valley Radio Control Club Des Moines Model Aires El Paso Radio Controllers Fluvanna County R/C Flying Club Fort Ben Radio Control Club Fremont County RC Club Heart of Texas Miniature Aircraft Club Holly Springs Skyhawks Radio Control Group Kootenai RC Flyers Lazy Eight RC Club Lewes RC Club Lincoln Sky Knight RC Club Mid Arkansas Radio Control Society Midwest Sundowners N.E. Kansas Blue Sky Squadron North Georgia Model Aviators Olympic RC Modelers Owatonna RC Modelers Palm Beach Radio Control Association RC Sport Flyers River City Radio Controllers Rochester Aeromodeling Society Rock River Aeromodelers Society Seminole Radio Control Club Sky Kings R/C Club South Coast RC Squadron Southern Indiana Flying Eagles Southwest Area Park Modelers SPARKS INC Stonecrest RC Flyers Sunday Flyers Susquehanna Valley Modelers Tampa Radio Control Aircraft Club Tinley Creek RC Club Tuscarora R/C Flying Club Viehe RC Fliers Wenatchee Red Apple Flyers

2019 Grant Recipient Installs a New GeoTex Runway!

With grant assistance from the AMA, the Island Flyers R/C Club installed a new GeoTex runway in April 2019 at their field in Fernandina, FL. Club members went to work tillling, digging, filling in, and leveling the ground for a 250' x 30' fabric runway. During four full days of work, the runway was laid, secured with staples and tightened by the sun overhead. In addition, the club laid the taxiway and flight box with GeoTex fabric. After the runway was completed, it was marked and cleared for its first flight.


With grant assistance from the AMA, the Island Flyers R/C Club installed a new GeoTex runway in April 2019 at their field in Fernandina, FL. Club members went to work tillling, digging, filling in, and leveling the ground for a 250' x 30' fabric runway. During four full days of work, the runway was laid, secured with staples and tightened by the sun overhead. In addition, the club laid the taxiway and flight box with GeoTex fabric. After the runway was completed, it was marked and cleared for its first flight. The club was also able to purchase a used 20' Conex storage container to house field equipment and other supplies(see photos below). The Island Flyers R/C Club hopes to attract new members as a result of their runway project. Upon completion of the project, club President John Willis wrote, "Thanks for your support in making this happen. As a small club, your contribution was very helpful." Visit the Island Flyers R/C club's website to read more about their runway project.                     We are honored to have contributed to so many successful site improvement projects over the years! Apply now for the 2020 Flying Site Improvement Grant program:  

Midwest Sundowners Receive AMA Recognition and Reward Grant

The Midwest Sundowners recently received an AMA Club Recognition and Reward Grant for $50. The club is located in Munster, IN. The club recently received a story published about them in their local newspaper. It dove into the history of their club and even included some personal stories of some of their members. The club, located in Munster, IN, flies at an outdoor flying field in Winfield and at the Sparta Dome in Crown Point when the weather prohibits outdoor flying. The AMA Club Recognition and Reward Program was established to encourage clubs to promote model aviation.


The Midwest Sundowners recently received an AMA Club Recognition and Reward Grant for $50. The club is located in Munster, IN. The club recently received a story published about them in their local newspaper. It dove into the history of their club and even included some personal stories of some of their members. The club, located in Munster, IN, flies at an outdoor flying field in Winfield and at the Sparta Dome in Crown Point when the weather prohibits outdoor flying. The AMA Club Recognition and Reward Program was established to encourage clubs to promote model aviation. The AMA offers clubs cash incentives for positive local media coverage for a public event, public service, club announcement, or other coverage. Click here to learn more about this program.

Coachella Valley Radio Control Club Receive AMA Recognition and Reward Grant

The Coachella Valley Radio Control Club recently received an AMA Club Recognition and Reward Grant for $125. The club is located in Indio, CA. The club is one of the oldest service organizations in their area and was able to get on their local radio station recently to talk about their club and some upcoming events. The club will be hosting their Top Fun event the first weekend in November and hope community members will come out and watch to support the club. You can listen to their full radio interview HERE.


The Coachella Valley Radio Control Club recently received an AMA Club Recognition and Reward Grant for $125. The club is located in Indio, CA. The club is one of the oldest service organizations in their area and was able to get on their local radio station recently to talk about their club and some upcoming events. The club will be hosting their Top Fun event the first weekend in November and hope community members will come out and watch to support the club. You can listen to their full radio interview HERE. The AMA Club Recognition and Reward Program was established to encourage clubs to promote model aviation. The AMA offers clubs cash incentives for positive local media coverage for a public event, public service, club announcement, or other coverage. Click here to learn more about this program.

RC Sport Flyers Receive AMA Recognition and Reward Grant

The RC Sport Flyers recently received an AMA Club Recognition and Reward Grant for $75. The club is located in Raymore, MO. This year, RC Sport Flyers members met with John Johnson, the superintendent of operations at Jackson County Parks and Rec. These members met to discuss the possibility of making their flying site and park ADA compliant. Within six weeks, there were smooth concrete parking spots and paths, railings and an ADA compliant portable toilet. The club was inspired to make this change from their own member, Brian Mitchell.


The RC Sport Flyers recently received an AMA Club Recognition and Reward Grant for $75. The club is located in Raymore, MO. This year, RC Sport Flyers members met with John Johnson, the superintendent of operations at Jackson County Parks and Rec. These members met to discuss the possibility of making their flying site and park ADA compliant. Within six weeks, there were smooth concrete parking spots and paths, railings and an ADA compliant portable toilet. The club was inspired to make this change from their own member, Brian Mitchell. Brian first joined the club to fly his plane, but he had to worry about his expensive controller falling off of his lap as he maneuvered his wheelchair along the grass and gravel pathways. The park is now the only park out of 2,400 sports flying fields in the nation that are ADA compliant. The AMA Club Recognition and Reward Program was established to encourage clubs to promote model aviation. The AMA offers clubs cash incentives for positive local media coverage for a public event, public service, club announcement, or other coverage. Click here to learn more about this program.
