Coachella Valley RC Gold Leader Club hosts fly-in for Wounded Warriors and Rebuilding American Warriors

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Coachella Valley Radio Control Club enjoyed their weekend hosting an annual War Birds Fun Fly benefiting Wounded Warrior Project and Rebuilding American Warriors.  The event had more than 30 pilots flying model military airplanes from World War I and II. Coachella Valley Radio Control Club has remained a Gold Leader Club for consecutively 12 years. They allow anyone at any age  to join their club if they wish to fly planes and are passionate for the hobby. “This is just one of those thousand points of light for people to enjoy that helps others at the same time. We are so proud of our facility and the fact that it was built with no public money” said club President, Dan Metz. Dan3-248x298 The AMA Foundation admires the non profit club for working to make a difference in the community and sharing their love of model aviation to all. To view the full story, view here.