The Flying For Good featured December submission is the Heart of Texas Miniature Aircraft Club, Inc. The club is located in Waco, TX. The club provides a $1,000 scholarship for one local student from the county or immediate surrounding counties attending Texas State Tech College Aviation Pilot program who demonstrates financial need. In 2017, the club wanted to start a community charity and later came up with the idea to fund a scholarship. The Waco Chamber of Commerce, Aviation Alliance Division, helped the club announce the new scholarship to the local press and community at their first quarterly luncheon of 2018. In January 2018, the scholarship was awarded to Hunter Anderson, a local student from the immediate area. In mid-February, Hunter and two aviation instructors from TSTC attended the clubs monthly meeting where he was presented as the first HOTMAC scholarship recipient. The club hosts their Annual Greater Southwest Jet Rally to help raise money for the scholarship fund. Also, donations from the clubs Big Bird event and Spring Club 40/EF1 races contribute towards the scholarship and the clubs maintenance. The scholarship program is set to continue in 2019. The AMA Foundation wants to know how your club has given back to charity. To learn more about the Flying For Good Program, click here.