Ryan lives in Hillsborough, NJ with his parents, Ed and Kathy Barry. He is a recent graduate of Hillsborough High School and will be attending Rowan University, majoring in electrical and computer engineering, starting in September of this year. He also plans to continue his interest in music by joining ensemble performing groups at the university. Ryan loves everything about airplanes. His aviation interest started as a toddler when his father would regularly take him to Central Jersey Regional Airport to watch the general aviation airplanes take off and land. Ryan’s enthusiasm rekindled his Dad’s interest in model aviation and he renewed his AMA and Contest Director licenses, with Ryan along as a new AMA member. Ryan is also a many year member of the Garden State Circle Burners and Middlesex modelers clubs, both in New Jersey and he plans to continue as an active modeler in college. In 2008, Ryan competed in his first Control Line Aerobatics competition. Throughout the years, Ryan advanced from beginner level to the advanced level, completing his first complete stunt pattern at the age of 10. He has won many contests in the advanced, intermediate and beginner levels of PAMPA, flying New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio. He has had excellent results flying the Flite Streak, Smoothie, and Vector models. In addition to his impressive contest record, Ryan has assisted his dad and other Contest Directors at every level of competition from running score sheets and pull testing to judging contests all the way to the expert level. He is highly respected for his skill, maturity and unassuming demeanor by everyone who knows him in the control line community. Ryan’s love of aviation led to his taking private flying lessons when he turned 16. Seventeen months later, he earned his private pilot’s license, training at the highly respected Princeton Flying School in New Jersey, flying the Cessna 172. He is scheduled to improve his flying skills by taking lessons in spin/stall control and glider piloting. Ryan’s other interests include computer programming and construction. He has also been very involved in the Hillsborough High School Music Program. A trumpet player, he has been the Drum Major for the Hillsborough High School Marching band for two years and performs in many of the school’s ensemble groups. He is frequently called upon by the community to play at Memorial Day and Veterans Day activities. Ryan hopes to continue his passion for aviation as an avocational or possible career activity. He plans to become a Certified Flight Instructor to share his aviation passion with new and aspiring pilots. Ryan is grateful to the AMA Scholarship for this award.