Jack S.I. Samson

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Jack S.I. Samson

Jack Samson’s interest in aeromodeling began when, at ten years old, he developed an interest in folding paper airplanes. After a couple of years, desiring a more sophisticated and permanent outlet for his interests, he decided to move to building and flying radio-controlled model aircraft.  Entirely self-taught, he climbed a steep learning curve with ready-to-fly micro models before discovering the greater model building community and the teaching and camaraderie that it provided. He first visited the local model aircraft club, Puget Sound Silent Flyers (PSSF), in 2013 and has been a continuous, participating member ever since. It was here that Jack learned of the possibilities of traditional balsa wood model aircraft construction and the true creative potential of the hobby. Under the teaching of AMA Hall-of-Famer Robert Benjamin, Jack began building balsa wood model aircraft in the traditional style. Jack became one of only a handful of area modelers still covering their aircraft with Silkspan and model airplane dope. Jack now prides himself on combining modern and traditional materials and techniques to model building. In high school, to encourage participation in traditional aircraft modeling among his peers, he formed a student aeromodelling club, which has enjoyed success spreading awareness of model aviation. After being nominated by PSSF members, Jack was a district AMA Youth Leadership award winner in 2018. Although Jack has never been very interested in competition, preferring to fly simply for fun, he remains an active member of his local club, and continues to enjoy honing his craft.