Rocky Mountain Flying Machine

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Rocky Mountain Flying Machine

The Rocky Mountain Flying Machine has been awarded with a Flying Site Development Improvement Grant worth $2,117.07 on behalf of the AMA. The club has been an AMA Chartered Club since February 24, 1986 and is located in Albuquerque, NM. The mission of the RMFM is to promote the friendly exchange of information and experience between model aviation modelers and to develop model aviation as a recognized sport and a worthwhile recreational activity. The club places high values on construction and safe operation of model aircraft, the diversity of modeling interests, individual ability and willingness to share expertise, and having an environment that encourages participation, fair play and friendly competition. The Henry Wood Memorial Field is the flying site for the 38 members of the Rocky Mountain Flying Machine. The club is unable to plan and host events at their field because of the weather factor. If there is inclement weather the club has to move to a different location that is also used by other community groups. Full access to their field will allow growth for the RMFM. The club has already added the following improvements: shade structures, assy tables and starting stands, a weather station, and a new N-5 runway. Click here for more information on the Rocky Mountain Flying Machine.


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