Mountain Modelaires Club Awarded with Club Recognition and Reward Grant

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The Mountain Modelaires Club was recently awarded with a Club Recognition and Reward Grant in the amount of $150 after being featured on Wellsboro Home Page in both May in June. The May article featured the 5th annual Earth Day that was held at Mill Cove in Mansfield, Pennsylvania. The Mountain Modelaires Club participated in the event by displaying a broad selection of model aircraft with an emphasis on electric flying. The June article featured a video interview of club member, Frank Granelli, promoting an upcoming open fly-in the Modelaires were having at their field. He invited the public to attend and learn to fly using basic trainer aircraft with a dual control system. You can watch the video here (link is external). The AMA Club Recognition and Reward Program was established to encourage clubs to promote model aviation. The AMA offers clubs cash incentives for positive local media coverage for a public event, public service, club announcement, or other coverage. Click here to learn more about this program. [caption id="attachment_2747" align="alignnone" width="300"]Members of the RC Mountain Modelaires Club at the 5th Annual Earth Day event Members of the RC Mountain Modelaires Club at the 5th Annual Earth Day event[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2748" align="alignright" width="300"]XtraBanner-ModelPlanes Article video (link is external)[/caption]