Millersburg RC Modelers

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Millersburg RC Modelers

The Millersburg RC Modelers have been awarded with a Flying Site Development Improvement Grant worth $1,355.00 on behalf of the AMA. Located in Indiana, the Millersburg RC Modelers have been an AMA Chartered Club for 33 years. The Millersburg RC Modelers currently enjoy a Leader Club status. The club hosts a monthly event on the fourth Saturday of each moth call Sausage Saturdays. Club members, guest pilots, and spectators come out to enjoy some bratwursts and model flying. The club is in the process of relocating their flying site. While it was originally discouraging to learn of the loss of their flying site, the club is excited for the opportunity to create a first class RC Aerodrome from the ground up. The Millersburg RC Modelers plan to open their new site in the spring of 2016. Click here for more information on the Millersburg RC Modelers.