Local Area Fun Flyers News Coverage

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The Local Area Fun Flyers (LAFF) are located in Bullhead City, AZ. The club was covered in the Mohave Valley Daily News on Dec. 27. The RC club has 30 members and they meet at the Rodney Briscoe Memorial Flying Field at Rotary Park in Arizona. LAFF is actively looking for other RC aircraft enthusiasts in their area to join them in their flight plans. The club is planning a fun fly day in February that will be open to anyone interested in learning about the sport. Andy Murphy, a member of the club, said “This field is a great place to come out to fly. People can come out with us and give it a try before they invest in the sport; if they find they are interested, we can help get them started and give good advice on how to do it as inexpensively as possible.” For more information about LAFF email localareafunflyers@yahoo.com. To read the story from the Mohave Valley Daily News, click here.