Wings Miniature Aircraft Society

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Wings Miniature Aircraft Society

The Wings Miniature Aircraft Society has been awarded with a Flying Site Development Improvement Grant worth $1,562.50. The club flies at the Abernathy Municipal Airport in Abernathy, TX. The Wings Miniature Aircraft Society, Inc. has been an AMA Chartered Club for more than 30 years. The club was last awarded with a Flying Site Development Improvement Grant in 2011. The WingsMAS are always looking for new members to join their club that are interested in the model aviation hobby. The WingsMAS lease part of a closed municipal airport as their flying site, however the part of the runway the club uses as severely weathered and cracked so the club underwent maintenance and repair to fix the issue. The club researched their options and installed an acrylic emulsion product to the runway. The WingsMAS also built start-up stands and picnic tables to be used during club meetings and flying times. Look here to check out the website for the Wings Miniature Aircraft Society.


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