An aeromodeling club located in central California is reeling from a one-two punch of floodwaters.
The state experienced heavy rainfall in January, causing rivers to spill past their banks. This included the Salinas River, located near the Salinas Area Modelers club.
“The first time the field was under about 2 inches of water at the high point of the field,” stated Salinas Area Modelers Club President Robert McGregor. “This time it was more than a foot and our entry road has washed out. It will be quite a while before we can get back in.”
The club applied for and was awarded a $500 Club Disaster Relief Grant in March for the first round of flooding in January. The club was again hit with flooding in March after atmospheric rivers, which are airborne corridors of water vapor, again caused heavy rainfall.
The club used the grant funds to clean up the runway, which was covered by sticky clay mud. The runway’s surface was damaged by the standing water, and the decomposed granite on its surface was washed away. Fixing it will require rebuilding the runway and adding a surface coat.
Other damage to the flying site that occurred in January included water damage to storage containers and their contents, and some roof panels on the club’s shelter were blown off.
After the floodwaters recede, the club will be able to assess the latest damage.
If you would like to help clubs affected by natural disasters, you can give to the AMA Programs Fund.