The AMA Foundation supports the hobby, sport, and scientific pursuits of model aviation.
The AMA Foundation exists to inspire the financial support of aeromodeling, a hobby, sport and scientific pursuit, as a legitimate and necessary component of the full aviation continuum, contributing significantly to the betterment of American society through a Congressionally-recognized community-based organization. The AMA Foundation was established in 2013 to serve as a supporting organization that will fundraise and grant funds exclusively for and on behalf of the Academy of Model Aeronautics, founded in 1936. The AMA exists to continue the important ongoing development of aeromodeling through education, promotion and community-based programming. The AMA is devoted to motivating the young and young-at-heart to pursue model aviation. The purpose of the Foundation is to fundraise and make grants to AMA to support its charitable and educational programs and services. To continue to benefit the Academy and progress the hobby by introducing it to youth and as an educational outlet, the AMA Foundation needs your gift and participation. The AMA Foundation offers many types of giving opportunities to those who share our vision to support the hobby of aeromodeling and the many programs the Academy supports. As the AMA Foundation is recognized as an educational and scientific nonprofit organization, contributions may be tax-deductible. How can you help?