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JAG RC supports the AMA Foundation

We would like to thank JAG RC, owned by Greg and Jenni Alderman, for contributing a portion of the sale of Showtime smoke oil back to the AMA Foundation. The smoke oil will be available at different shows throughout the country this flying season. "Showtime" Model Aviation smoke oil is formulated from the same base stock used by the Blue Angels, Thunderbirds and now by several well-known pilots in the RC jet pilot community.


We would like to thank JAG RC, owned by Greg and Jenni Alderman, for contributing a portion of the sale of Showtime smoke oil back to the AMA Foundation. The smoke oil will be available at different shows throughout the country this flying season. "Showtime" Model Aviation smoke oil is formulated from the same base stock used by the Blue Angels, Thunderbirds and now by several well-known pilots in the RC jet pilot community. Supplies are limited: $70 for 4-gallon case (four 1-gallon jugs @ $17.50 per gallon) $20 for a single 1-gallon To learn more visit JAG RC on Facebook.  Or visit the JAG RC website, https://jag-rc.com/.      

Edward C. Sweeney Jr. donates collection to AMA Foundation Sale

Edward C. Sweeney Jr. has been an AMA member since the 1950's. His father instilled in him a passion for model flight at a young age when they would both fly free flight and control line. His father was an aviation attorney as well as a professor at Northwestern University where he published the Journal of Air Law and Commerce. Because of his father’s knowledge and experience, the family moved to Washington D.C. by the invitation of Congress.  He was the principal author of the Aviation Act of 1948 which established the CAA (Civilian Aviation Agency) and again in 1952 which established the...


Edward C. Sweeney Jr. has been an AMA member since the 1950's. His father instilled in him a passion for model flight at a young age when they would both fly free flight and control line. His father was an aviation attorney as well as a professor at Northwestern University where he published the Journal of Air Law and Commerce. Because of his father’s knowledge and experience, the family moved to Washington D.C. by the invitation of Congress.  He was the principal author of the Aviation Act of 1948 which established the CAA (Civilian Aviation Agency) and again in 1952 which established the FAA (Federal Aviation Agency).

[caption id="attachment_2521" align="alignleft" width="727"]Sweeney1 Mandee Mikulski, AMA Director of Development and Edward C. Sweeney Jr.[/caption]

As you can tell, flight was in Sweeney’s blood. He remembers many cross country flights with his father, also a private pilot, from Washington National Airport to Rock Island, Illinois in his Stinson Voyager. Some of the earliest R/C free flight planes Sweeney remembers flying in his youth were Harold De Bolt's Live Wire Trainers and Kitten.

“Back then, it was hard tubes and escapements,” Sweeney said. “The equipment had to be tuned up before every flight. All we had was 27.255 MHz.”

At the University of Colorado, Sweeney bought one of the early Space Control four channel proportional analogue single stick RC systems. It still had hard tubes, but now R/C flying became a real pleasure for Sweeney as the plane followed each stick movement perfectly - no more fly-aways!

Sweeney’s father encouraged him to team up with Bill Winter and acquire and publish American Modeler magazine. Under the new name American Aircraft Modeler, the magazine would include the AMA's Model Aviation supplement. The idea was to broaden AMA's exposure and increase membership.

During his fifteen years with the magazine, Sweeney tested electric flight and experimented with airplane aerodynamics by creating the RC Nobler. It was derived directly from the CL Mobler and featured coupled flaps for enhanced elevator response. He also created an early small RC helicopter by adapting Dave Grey's Whirlybird to a Veco 19 glow motor. Both of these projects were featured in the magazine.

Sweeney also pioneered the new sport of powered hang gliding by adding two 2hp Quadra motors to his Fledgling hang glider. The addition of these two motors greatly expanded the flying experience for the hang glider. The motors got bigger; the hang glider got wheels, and was heavier. Soon, the hang gliders had 10 to 15 horsepower and made rolling take offs. All of these modifications led to the beginning of the Ultralight industry. He was involved in writing the proposed FAA regulations that became Part 103. It’s significant to note the Ultralights were never called airplanes or aircraft, but rather air vehicles. This isolated these air machines from FAA requirements for registration, maintenance, medicals or certification requirements.

Today, Sweeney continues to enjoy all forms of R/C flying. After 40 years of R/C flying, he recognized it was time to diminish his large collection of airplanes, helicopters, etc. and made a donation of about 50 models to the AMA in November 2015. He drove from his home in Colorado, AEROCAR trailer packed with planes. These items from his personal collection will be sold at an upcoming sale at the Toledo Show: R/C Model Expo in Ohio. Sweeney says he has always been a proud supporter of the AMA. He was happy to donate these items (some are pictured below) from his collection to help support the AMA Foundation and the future of this hobby.

Sweeneydonation Sweeneydonation2

The Toledo Show - R/C Model Expo is North America's largest and longest running radio control model expo. This three day event showcases all types of R/C models including planes, cars, and boats. Along with all the exhibitors and Saturday night auction, there is a radio control model competition, speakers, and swap shop. The show begins April 1 and will continue until April 3 at the SeaGate Centre in Toledo, Ohio.

We hope you’ll join us for the special AMA Foundation sale during the Toledo Show: R/C Model Expo. Along with Edward Sweeney’s collection, the sale will also feature models from the collections of Carl Goldberg, Don Tichenor, and Joseph Elgin. We thank these men and their families for donating the collections to make this sale possible.