Oliver Sand is a graduate of Saint Ann’s School in Brooklyn, New York, and will attend Brown University in the fall. He has been involved with modeling over the past four years, focusing primarily on building and flying free flight rubber-powered models and competing in regional and national contests. He was named Dave Stott Junior Modeler at the 2016 Flying Aces Club Nats in Geneseo, New York, was twice Grand Champion at the Barron Air Field Races in Wawayanda, New York, and placed first in WWII and Embryo Endurance categories at the 2018 FAC Nats in Geneseo. He also flies with the Pinkham Field Irregulars club in Durham, Connecticut, the birthplace of the FAC. Oliver enjoys the outdoors and has worked in the summers as a volunteer trail maintenance worker on the Appalachian Trail in Maine.