Alex Roy will be attending Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in the fall as a member of the Honors College. Alex will be studying Aerospace Engineering which he chose in part because of his involvement in model aircraft. His involvement started in 2012, as a member of the Radio Control Club of Detroit, RCCD (RCCD.org), an AMA Gold Leader Club. Alex is currently the youngest instructor in his club and he enjoys building, flying, and teaching others about this wonderful hobby. Alex’s favorite build is a completely scratch built version of the White Knight and SpaceShipOne built by him and his dad.
Alex’s other hobbies and activities outside of school include Marching Band (Section Leader), Mentoring for Lego Robotics/FIRST Lego League, Underwater Robotics (team CEO), and Rocket Club (Co-Captain). He also got a job at Mustang Aeronautics (MustangAero.com) through a junior year internship provided by his advanced four year high school program, the Utica Center for Mathematics, Science, and Technology, UCMST (https://ucmst.uticak12.org/about_us). At Mustang Aeronautics, Alex spent time helping prototype, design, and produce parts for homebuilt experimental aircraft. Alex’s dream is to someday own his own company that sells a homebuilt aircraft of my own design or to work at the Lockheed Martin Skunk Works at the forefront of aviation advancements.