Tri-County Eagles

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Tri-County Eagles

The Academy of Model Aeronautics would like to congratulate the Tri-County Eagles for being awarded with a Flying Site Development Improvement Grant worth $467.50. Located in Mahopac, NY, the Tri-County Eagles have been an AMA Chartered Club for approximately 30 years. The Tri-County Eagles describe themselves as a relaxed group of RC pilots just out to have a fun, safe time flying aircraft with friends. The club has hosted several training events for Cub Scout groups and Civil Air patrol cadets to introduce them to model flying. The club made new upgrades last year such as a new flight line fence, plane restraints, and a wind sock, among others. They are now looking to focus on the damages to their runway. The runway has become uneven and will require special equipment to be repaired properly. The total cost to fix the runway was $4,675.00. Look here for more information on the Tri-County Eagles.



Fri, 09/13/2019 - 3:59am Jennifer Christy (not verified)

Almost 2 years ago my father asked for a remote plane for his birthday after once again coming home from the hospital. I'm not sure he can even fly it at this point due to many stays in and out of medical facilities. I was hoping somebody could assist me just even one time for him to see his ane get off the ground before it can never happen.

Fri, 09/13/2019 - 3:59am Jennifer Christy (not verified)

Almost 2 years ago my father asked for a remote plane for his birthday after once again coming home from the hospital. I'm not sure he can even fly it at this point due to many stays in and out of medical facilities. I was hoping somebody could assist me just even one time for him to see his ane get off the ground before it can never happen.

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