A total of 56 clubs will receive grant funds to improve their flying sites and introduce their communities to the hobby. The AMA Foundation received a total of 124 completed and qualified applications for the 2024 Flying Site Improvement Grant (FSIG) and Take off And Grow (TAG) grant program.
The FSIG program provides funding for AMA chartered clubs that have made improvements or are makink improvements to their flying sites. Well-maintained flying sites promote satisfaction among hobbyists, club visibility, community engagement, aviation education, and safety.
The first of several programs implemented in 2007, TAG is intended to welcome the general public to aeromodeling. It provides a one-day extensive introduction to model aviation, with the hopes of attracting new people to the hobby.
The 2025 FSIG and TAG grant programs will begin accepting applications on October 1, 2024.
The following 30 clubs received a total of $57,049.59 in FSIG funds:
Palomar RC Flyers, Inc.
Lincoln Sky Knights
Marymoor R/C Club
Northern Virginia Radio Control Club
Reno Radio Control Club
San Fernando Valley RC Flyers
Plum Island Airport Radio Control Flyers
Pine Barren Modelers RC Club
Millstone RC Flyers
Hernando County Radio Control Club
McMinnville Aircraft Modelers
Tri City Radio Control Modelers
Interstate Flyers
Quaker Farms Radio Control Flyers
Arizona Model Aviators
Lima Area Radio Kontrol Society (LARKS)
St. Louis Radio Control Flying Association
Licking County Radio Control Club
Dayton Wingmasters
Sarasota Silent Flyers
Stone Mountain Radio Control Flyers
Borinquen RC Model Club
Lehigh Valley Radio Control Society (LVRCS)
Culpeper Model Barnstorners
Mississippi Coast RC Club
El Dorado RC Flyers
Boulder Aeromodeling Society
Merced County Radio Control Club
Flying Aces of Aurora
Paulding County Model Aviation
A total of 26 clubs across the country received $18,000 in TAG grants. The following clubs were selected for this grant:
Lazy Eight RC Club Inc.
Dayton Wingmasters
Penn Ohio Radio Kontrol Society
Valley Forge Signal Seekers
Vienna Sky Sharks
Dare County Radio Control Flyers
Raleigh Aero Masters
Johnson City Radio Controllers
McMinn County Radio Control Association
Orlando Buzzards RC Soaring Society
Seminole RC Club
St. Louis Radio Control Association
Des Moines Modelaires
River District RC Eagles
Twisted Sticks RC Club
Heart of Texas Miniature Aircraft Club
Lake Area Radio Kontrol Society
Stillwater RC Flyers
Airpark Elite
Minot Aircraft Modelers Inc.
Riley County Fliers
Casa Grande RC Flyers
Oasis Flyers
Utah Valley Aeromodelers
Clark County Radio Control Society
Salem R/C Pilots Association