Iowa City Aerohawks Receive an AMA Club Recognition Award

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The Iowa City Aerohawks received an AMA Club Recognition Award for $150. The club hosted their free 25th annual Aerohawk’s Air show in Iowa City on August 20, where hundreds of spectators came to watch. The event was open to the public. Food and beverages were available to the public. The event had parachute drops, a freestyle flying competition, a helicopter demonstration, a candy bomb drop for the kids, warbirds, giant scale aerobatics and jet demonstrations. High school freshman Lizzie Peters picked up flying with her dad. Peters told Fox 28 news, “I want to be a pilot when I’m older so I like the idea of flying planes and it’s something to do with my dad which is fun,” who was flying in the air show for the first time. It didn’t take her long to get noticed at the event when she took home the win in the game of airplane limbo beating out some more experienced pilots. The AMA would like to thank the Iowa City Aerohawks for allowing kids to share this great hobby with them. The AMA Club Recognition and Reward Program was established to encourage clubs to promote model aviation. The AMA offers clubs cash incentives for positive local media coverage for a public event, public service, club announcement, or other coverage. Click here to learn more about this program. iowa