On Saturday, April 13, 2024, AMA Foundation Director Steve Haston attended the Jim Richmond Open at West Baden in French Lick, Indiana. He was honored to represent the AMA Foundation at a memorial ceremony for Jim and his family. AMA President Rich Hanson presented Jim’s wife, Mariana, with a lovely leather aviator jacket in her husband's memory. Many were on hand to celebrate Jim’s life accomplishments and all he did for the Free Flight (FF) community. Amy Spowart, National Aeronautic Association president and CEO, also provided several comments honoring Jim and supporting his family.
Steve also had an opportunity to speak with several of the FF pilots. He still designs, builds, and flies FF aircraft, so it was a pleasure for him to learn some new things from these masters. Watching the crowd's reaction when an airplane is launched is so fun, especially for kids. They get so excited. They stare, point, follow, and sometimes chase a plane. Everyone looks up at these amazing aircraft as they take flight and slowly climb, and they seem to float in a slow turn 90 feet above the floor. Then after several minutes, they begin an even slower descent, eventually landing.
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