Fluvanna County RC Flying Club Receives AMA Club Recognition and Reward Grant

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The Fluvanna County RC Flying Club recently received an AMA club recognition and reward grant for $175. The club is located in Fork Union, VA. On June 9, the club hosted their third annual Wings and Wheels 4 Paws event.  All proceeds from ticket sales were donated to four animal rescue shelters in Fluvanna County including Caring for Creatures, Fluvanna SPCA, Green Dogs Unleashed and Peaceful Passing. The club charged $10 per carload, $20 pilot landing fee and $20 for car show registration. The fundraiser featured model aviation demonstrations, a car show with prizes and a large raffle. The event also had a flyover of a ⅞ scale S.E. 5a British World War I fighter aircraft and two shows by the Dare Devil Dogs. Hundreds of people from the community came to the event to support the cause. The event had a successful turn out and the club raised approximately $5,000 for the rescue animals.   The AMA Foundation would like to thank the Fluvanna County RC Flying Club for hosing this annual event and raising money for the shelters in Fluvanna County. The AMA Club Recognition and Reward Program was established to encourage clubs to promote model aviation. The AMA offers clubs cash incentives for positive local media coverage for a public event, public service, club announcement, or other coverage. Click here to learn more about this program.