Each year, the AMA Foundation encourages clubs to share information about their events with local media. Fun-flys, fly-ins, and other gatherings are promoted in newspapers, magazines, and on radio and television stations. Some of these events raise money for a good cause, while others are designed simply for a fun day of flying.
We wanted to share with you the positive media coverage that some of our clubs have received this year. In exchange, they have been awarded Club Recognition and Reward Grants.
The Omahawks RC Inc. club of Omaha, Nebraska, held an air show during Labor Day weekend 2023. The event benefitted Nebraska Make-A-Wish. The fundraiser was featured on a local TV station.
A local newspaper spread the news of the Casper Airmodelers Association's annual fly-in, which took place in July 2023. The event was funded by a Take off And Grow grant.
In northern Alabama, Madison Living magazine wrote a feature story about the North Alabama Radio Control Association. Check it out, beginning on page 25 of the June 2023 issue.
As with our other grant programs, we would not be able to help support our clubs with initiatives such as the Club Recognition and Reward Grant without all of our incredible donors.
To join our group of donors, consider giving to the Programs Fund today. The Programs Fund helps support not only the Club Recognition and Reward Grant, but all of our other programs as well.