The Casa Grande Flyers will hold an event from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 12 at their club airfield on 2725 S. Isom road in Casa Grande. The event will benefit the Hospice Charitable Fund of Central Arizona and is open to the public. The club will offer free flying lessons using an instructor's model aircraft, free first-person view airplane rides, a swap meet featuring many radio-controlled hobby items, and food service for both breakfast and lunch. Visitors will be able to watch and ask the pilots questions while they fly their model aircraft.
Representatives from Hospice will be at the entry gate accepting donations from visitors who wish to support the cause. Donations are not required, but the club hopes the community will be generous in their support of the charity. The club field is located across from the public shooting range in Casa Grande. Directions to the club field can be found on the club’s website: www.CasaGrandeRCFlyers.com along with a list of the many other special events the club holds for the community. Membership information is also on that website.