National Model Aviation Museum Patron Program

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Museum Patron Program


Please consider becoming a Museum Patron to support the National Model Aviation Museum. Patrons are awarded special recognition for the level of yearly giving they choose to support.

Patrons receive the following based on initial gift contribution:

Patron Level - $25

Sticker, pin, and National Model Aviation Museum Hobby Shop mouse pad
10% off purchases in the Cloud 9 Museum Store and discounted research and plans fees. Patrons also receive a subscription to the donor e-newsletter, The Torch.


Supporting Level - $100

Certificate of Patronage, sticker, pin, and National Model Aviation Museum Hobby Shop mouse pad
10% off purchases in the Cloud 9 Museum Store and discounted research and plans fees. Patrons also receive a subscription to the donor e-newsletter, The Torch.


Life Level - $1000

Life Patron Plaque, sticker, pin, and National Model Aviation Museum Hobby Shop mouse pad
10% off purchases in the Cloud 9 Museum Store and discounted research and plans fees. Patrons also receive a subscription to the e-newsletter, The Torch.


Contributions made to the National Model Aviation Museum, the world’s largest, help the museum with its mission to preserve and showcase the history of model aviation. Donations, including those made by Museum Patrons, have made a significant impact on these efforts.

Learn more about the National Model Aviation Museum here, or make an appointment for a tour of the museum, located at 5151 East Memorial Drive, Muncie, Indiana 47302.