AMA Foundation Endowment

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The AMA Foundation Endowment Fund is the most effective and impactful way for your gift to continue supporting and growing the programs of the AMA in perpetuity. Endowment gifts contribute to the long-term financial health of the AMA and provide the necessary capital for annual growth needs, allowing the AMA Foundation to focus on supporting future AMA projects. Your gift to the AMA Endowment ensures a perpetual and steady income and will keep giving year after year as a continuation of your legacy for generations to come. These funds will be stewarded for long-term use towards scholarships, growing and preserving our hobby, education, clubs, national museum, and the modeling community. 

The Endowment benefits: 

• Provides the AMA with a perpetual source of funding. 

• Signals to the AMA community that we are well-established.

• It gives our AMA philanthropists a way to leave a lasting legacy. 

• Helps the AMA innovate and grow our community of model aviators and our programs. 

Giving to the AMA Endowment is a simple process. The member or club who elects to provide a charitable gift will contact the AMA Foundation Director and indicate their desire to donate. The donor will be provided with a giving form where they can indicate their desire to donate and provide any instructions regarding their donation. 

The donor will then be provided with a few options for giving, and these include: 

• Electronic bank transfer. You will be provided with all the routing information.  Personal check or Cashier’s check. You will be provided with the mailing information. 

• Charge card. You can donate securely while speaking to the Foundation Director. 

• Helps the AMA innovate and grow our community of model aviators and our programs.